All decoration works were undertaken from the 1st boat to the 8th one of the range.

All the interior materials are selected in cooperation with the customer.

A new coffee table was designed to fit the general concept of the boat.

All decoration works were undertaken from the 1st boat to the 8th one of the range.

All decoration works were undertaken from the 1st boat to the 3th one of the range.

All the interior materials are selected in cooperation with the customer.

Upon the customer's request, one of the guest rooms was canceled and a small cellar area was designed.

All decoration works were undertaken from the 1st boat to the 3th one of the range.


A new marble floor table was designed for the main saloon.

All the interior materials are selected in cooperation with the customer.


All decoration works were undertaken for the range.

New Saloon Layout has been created upon customer request. From the smallest lighting module to the chairs and seats, everything was carefully selected according to the customers taste.

New Master Bedroom bedhead design has been created upon customer request. All the interior materials has been selected with great care.

All decoration works were undertaken for the range.